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Rank Player Score (Fine Art)
156 swoopx 0.4
156 syacoub 0.4
156 sylvianehuang 0.4
156 syu 0.4
156 szbarnaus 0.4
156 t3ngkuputeri 0.4
156 tartan 0.4
156 tateortega 0.4
156 tautvydastau 0.4
156 tchauby 0.4
156 tchu4 0.4
156 team kusama 0.4
156 teemhood 0.4
156 teeschorle 0.4
156 temaia 0.4
156 terrafazira 0.4
156 tessa42 0.4
156 tfap 0.4
156 thaR 0.4
156 thata 0.4
156 theGlamorousAnorak 0.4
156 theblack 0.4
156 thenewyorker 0.4
156 theodorelasry 0.4
156 therese1111 0.4
156 thinkvalery 0.4
156 thwy 0.4
156 tianx123 0.4
156 tigger 0.4
156 tim94 0.4