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Rank Player Score (Fine Art)
158 rebjane 0.4
158 recipient_curation 0.4
158 redroses 0.4
158 renata 0.4
158 renovator-man 0.4
158 reracheling 0.4
158 reyne111 0.4
158 rishabhj977 0.4
158 rishitashah 0.4
158 river611 0.4
158 rjs1029 0.4
158 rngi21 0.4
158 robi 0.4
158 roc97 0.4
158 rocknrolla_muse 0.4
158 rodrianton 0.4
158 rodrianton13 0.4
158 romain.s 0.4
158 romano 0.4
158 ros3n018 0.4
158 roseem 0.4
158 rothko1 0.4
158 rothko247 0.4
158 rouyuanzi 0.4
158 rowen.fields 0.4
158 rrrrricky007 0.4
158 rrrrrickyli 0.4
158 rtrrrrrrreyhhhh 0.4
158 rtvs 0.4
158 rubbond 0.4