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Rank Player Score (Fine Art)
162 hitesh suthar 0.4
162 hj.jj.xe 0.4
162 hlengiwe 0.4
162 horse 0.4
162 hortensetincher 0.4
162 hrjacobs 0.4
162 hssmith 0.4
162 hugocobb 0.4
162 huijing 0.4
162 huyan 0.4
162 hyeartgirly 0.4
162 hypebeast 0.4
162 iam205 0.4
162 icecreamist 0.4
162 igamiga 0.4
162 ikyn 0.4
162 ilknazbestas 0.4
162 imattos 0.4
162 inbolart 0.4
162 indiephoenix 0.4
162 inga_vl 0.4
162 ingrin 0.4
162 iomello 0.4
162 iratretiak 0.4
162 ireneruizpl 0.4
162 ironiedusort 0.4
162 isabelle 0.4
162 isabemillar 0.4
162 isazins 0.4
162 isobellarichings 0.4