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Rank Player Score (Fine Art)
162 abastug 0.4
162 abb12 0.4
162 abhishekburh 0.4
162 abhishekkumar 0.4
162 abitariq 0.4
162 abstractmadness 0.4
162 achill 0.4
162 adairjones 0.4
162 adamdinwiddie 0.4
162 adchiariello 0.4
162 adrianhorn 0.4
162 adrijacobm 0.4
162 aeigier 0.4
162 aeroyal 0.4
162 aether.artfund 0.4
162 afish 0.4
162 ag4034 0.4
162 agburger 0.4
162 agsilver 0.4
162 ahsu 0.4
162 aiachegioia 0.4
162 aiannone 0.4
162 aidancollins 0.4
162 aidanrcollins 0.4
162 aiphos 0.4
162 ajgartop 0.4
162 ajm20 0.4
162 ajpin10 0.4
162 akashlives 0.4
162 al_K_traz18 0.4