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Rank Player Score (Fine Art)
156 Sopal11 0.4
156 Sophia 0.4
156 Sophiaxx 0.4
156 Sophie 0.4
156 SophieG 0.4
156 Spandansibu 0.4
156 Ssengoba 0.4
156 Stacyyychen 0.4
156 Starter 0.4
156 Ste85 0.4
156 Stefania_ttv 0.4
156 Steff 0.4
156 Stella 0.4
156 StephanieCime 0.4
156 StephanieGandolfi 0.4
156 StephanieHGandolfi 0.4
156 Sterling 0.4
156 Stiggs 0.4
156 SubSpecieAeternitatis 0.4
156 Subho 0.4
156 Subhojit 0.4
156 Suinedal 0.4
156 SulioArt 0.4
156 Sullenuvole 0.4
156 SunnyJ 0.4
156 Sunshin 0.4
156 SuperSquirrel 0.4
156 Superforecaster 0.4
156 Suria 0.4
156 Surina 0.4