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Rank Player Score (Fine Art)
121 jdiethelm 2.2
122 Mili1989 2.0
123 PistaccioVanderpump 2.0
124 Potoyo 1.8
125 emmina 1.7
126 Garry-Lagosian 1.5
127 symon 1.5
128 JuleVP 1.4
129 Sandy 1.4
130 caruso70 1.4
131 dangerousisland 1.4
132 listek 1.2
133 howardhouse 1.1
134 suzysvoid 1.1
135 Hsinyun 1.1
136 cocotfc 1.1
137 MTAC 1.1
138 Maceo 1.0
139 Jane 1.0
140 Tatyana_Ivanova 1.0
141 Namoube 1.0
142 SongAndDanceMan 1.0
143 MDMT 0.9
144 ach88 0.8
145 MAFrazier 0.8
146 Warholisnotdead 0.7
147 Teddytesi 0.7
148 Dan1972 0.6
149 Alaia_Blour 0.6
150 ymmas114 0.6