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Rank Player Score (Fine Art)
149 Beauty 0.4
149 Bebec 0.4
149 Bec 0.4
149 BelDidz 0.4
149 BelieveYouMe 0.4
149 Belisa 0.4
149 Bella151305 0.4
149 Bellakesoyan 0.4
149 Bellakhdar 0.4
149 Best 0.4
149 Bhoomibaj 0.4
149 BidMistresses3 0.4
149 BigBidderHEF 0.4
149 BinaG2102 0.4
149 Binskimacabre101 0.4
149 Biola 0.4
149 Bishmeet_kaur 0.4
149 Bivo 0.4
149 Bjodel 0.4
149 BlancaVF 0.4
149 Blue-Moon 0.4
149 BlueSteel 0.4
149 BobBob 0.4
149 Boddyshaker2000 0.4
149 Borr 0.4
149 Boubou 0.4
149 BowdoinProjects 0.4
149 Boyce_C.B. 0.4
149 Branches 0.4
149 Brandstifter 0.4