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Rank Player Score (Fine Art)
162 albertmchalf 0.4
162 albrechtdurer_0026 0.4
162 aldiahu 0.4
162 alemonteverde 0.4
162 ales 0.4
162 alex0 0.4
162 alex88_almus 0.4
162 0.4
162 alexandritabu 0.4
162 alexds 0.4
162 alexia1988 0.4
162 alexk 0.4
162 alexstojanovic 0.4
162 alfo 0.4
162 alib2001 0.4
162 alina 0.4
162 alina123 0.4
162 aline1975 0.4
162 alizzly 0.4
162 alj2010 0.4
162 alkaashok 0.4
162 allio 0.4
162 almeidalala 0.4
162 alxdtru 0.4
162 am 0.4
162 amandako 0.4
162 amber17 0.4
162 ambershaw 0.4
162 amc3560 0.4
162 amillar 0.4